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Getting Research Help at the Library

We're Here to Help

Illustration of students asking research questions.

Been searching for 15 minutes and haven’t gotten anywhere yet? It’s time to get help from a librarian!

We can help with:

Look below for the various ways you can get help through live chat, in person assistance, phone, and email.

Live Chat 24/7 Research Help

Illustration of a student asking for research help over LibChat and a librarian answering.Connect to our 24/7 real-time, online service. Looking for a specific article, need help navigating a database, have citation questions, or any other research related questions? A librarian is available online to help!

This service is staffed by CSUSM Librarians but at peak service times or off-hours you may be chatting with a librarian from another academic library.


Chat Now


In-Person Research Help

Illustration of a student going to the research help desk to ask for help from a librarian.


Come into the Library from 10 am -3 pm Monday through Friday and get in person research help from a librarian.


Go to the 3rd floor User Services desk and ask a staff member to have a librarian meet you, or call us directly at (760) 750-4391 and we'll come right out!

Call a Librarian

Illustration of a smart phone calling a librarian.

If you have a quick research question and prefer to speak by phone, you can reach a librarian at  (760) 750-4391

  • Monday-Friday 10am - 3pm 

All other times you may leave a voicemail and we will get back to you the next business day. For lengthier, in-depth research questions, we recommend you contact us through Live Chat, come in to meet with a librarian in person, or contact your subject librarian through email.

Email a Librarian

Illustration of an email being sent to a librarian asking for help finding a research guide.


If email is your preferred method of communication, please fill out the form below. Please be aware that email is best for questions that are not in-depth or time-sensitive.  For those types of questions, we recommend using Live Chat or coming in for in-person help.


Email Us



Contact your Subject Librarian

Illustration of different subject specialties, such as STEM, Business & Economics, Health Sciences, Arts & Humanities, Education & Psychology, and Social Sciences.

Do you need in-depth assistance? Your subject librarians have expertise in specific subject areas. They know how to find the best information for your projects and papers because they are familiar with the databases, books, and resources for that subject.  They know your professors, your research assignments, and the curriculum on campus. 

You can use a Research Help Appointment Request Form to make an appointment or you can contact your subject librarian directly through email or chat.