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This is a 15-page research paper on the topic of human trafficking assigned to your group (see group assignments on Cougar Courses). Depending on your assigned topic, the format of your paper will be different.
If your group is covering one of the “types” of human trafficking (Groups 1-5) you want to be sure that you include:
A. A definition of the problem. This definition should come from a global source, such as UN Convention or from an international nongovernmental organization. This is then followed by a discussion of the scope of the problem (global statistics on how widespread the problem is – is it more pronounced in certain countries, regions, across regions, etc.). The global view and understanding of the problem (ie. Is there international recognition of the problem? Is it universally or generally regarded as a problem? Are there additional international conventions addressing the problem?)
B. Country case study #1. A discussion of the problem within a country where the problem is relevant. The country selection should be based on the global statistics. In other words, a country not based on interest or convenience, but on its occurrence. Then, what are those country’s statistics? Are there any international organizations aimed at your assigned problem? Are there any national organizations? Can you evaluate them? Are they successful or not? Why or why not? Can you make any recommendations for improvement? Are there laws against your type of trafficking in that country? The discussion and examples should tie to the larger global discussion of human trafficking.
C. Country case study #2. The directions for country case study #1 are the same for the next country case study.
D. A discussion of the problem in the U.S. Is it happening in the U.S.? What are the statistics? Are there national organizations aimed at your assigned problem? Can you evaluate them? Are they successful or not? Why or why not? Can you make any recommendations for improvement? Are there national laws against your type of trafficking? You need to show how the U.S. discussion and examples tie to the larger global discussion of human trafficking.
E. Is this a local problem as well? Is it happening in the San Diego region? Are there local organizations aimed at your assigned type (government and NGOs)? Can you evaluate them? Are they successful or not? Why or why not? Can you make any recommendations for improvement? Your group needs to show how the local discussion and examples tie to the larger global discussion of human trafficking.
If your group is covering the “international responses” (Groups 6-8) of human trafficking, you want to make sure you include:
A. A definition of the response. This definition should come from a global source, such as UN Convention or from an international nongovernmental organization. A discussion of the global attempts to prevent, protect, or prosecute (depending on your topic). Inclusion of global statistics on how widespread the response is – is the response better implemented in certain countries, regions, across regions, etc.). Are there international conventions covering your assigned response? Can you evaluate them? Are they successful or not? Why or why not? Can you make any recommendations for improvement?
B. Are there global organizations aimed at your assigned response (IGOs and NGOs)? – What work do these global organization do? Are there efforts global in nature, or do they only work in several countries?
C. Compare the attempts to prevent, protect, or prosecute in two countries. What are the organizations that are aimed at your response in the country? Are there efforts successful? Are there any laws within these two countries against trafficking? Do the aforementioned global organizations work with national-based orgs that also do work within their country?
D. A discussion of U.S. attempts to prevent, protect, or prosecute (depending on your topic). Are there national organizations aimed at your assigned response? Can you evaluate them? Are they successful or not? Why or why not? Can you make any recommendations for improvement? Are there national laws against trafficking?
E. Local attempts to prevent, protect, or prosecute (depending on your topic). Are there local organizations aimed at your assigned response (government and NGOs)? Can you evaluate them? Are they successful or not? Why or why not? Can you make any recommendations for improvement?
For full assignment guidelines, please consult Cougar Courses.
1. On a prearranged day, your group will present your findings to the class. Every member of the group must participate in the presentation. Your presentation is 15-20 minutes for questions and answers. So, you need to be organized and clear.
2. Please use either Microsoft Power Point or Google Slides for the presentation. Please note, the power points will be made available to the class after the in-class presentation. When creating your presentation, please be very cautious as to how much material you put on any given slide. The less the better.
3. Dr. Martinez encourages you to practice before you do your presentation. You want to stay within the allotted time, and you will be more comfortable with the material if you say it out loud a few times before recording the presentation.
4. Each member of the group should have a speaking role during the presentation.
5. Attendance at all the presentations is required, Dr. Martinez will be taking roll.
6. It is very important that you pay attention to each presentation, take notes, as you will be required to write down two questions per presentation on a handout passed out before class. All of these topics are related, and knowledge about the other topics will undoubtedly come in handy, so please make sure to ask questions as well.
7. Again, if you need help, please come and see Dr. Martinez, especially before your presentation rough draft meeting.