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ETST 221: Race, Neighborhoods, and Cities (Professor Christiane Assefa)

ETST 221 Research Project

*Always consult Cougar Courses for full research assignment guidelines.

Throughout the semester, students will develop their own research questions that address how course materials emerge in our present-day society. Students are asked to select one cultural artifact (this could be a painting, newspaper article, photograph, song, meme, mural, poem, drawing, political cartoon, or short story) that illustrates their own connection, or sense of belonging, to a specific place. The final is made up of three components:

  1. Each Student will submit a contribution to our class map, titled “Our places of belonging,” through ArcGIS that includes a cultural artifact and a 2-paragraph summary on the personal, cultural, and historical significance of a place to which they belong.  The cultural artifact will be a creative symbol of that place.
  2. Each student will complete an in-class written final exam that will ask a series of short-answer questions that assess comprehension and application of course theories and ideas to their cultural artifact and “place.” Students will cite 2-3 course materials.
  3. A 5 minute in-class presentation of your selected cultural artifact and place of belonging.