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*Always consult Cougar Courses for full research assignment guidelines.
1) Give your project a title.
a. not “My Ethnoautobiography” or “Who am I?”
2) Organize your project as a narrative rather than a report.
a. Tell a story.
b. Do not refer to the assignment or the prompt.
c. Do not organize your project according to the features of ethnoautobiography (i.e. don’t use time, place, etc. as headings).
3) Answer the question “Who are you?” using at least four (4) of Kremer’s features of ethnoautobiography (below) as research guides/questions.
4) In addition to Kremer’s features, reflect on your identity in relation to two (2) core class concepts, e.g. whiteness, race/racialization, settler colonialism, racial capitalism, patriarchy, intersectionality, anti-essentialism, space/place, property, criminality, alternative knowledges.
a. Summarize each concept/essay
b. What does it suggest about your experience, family history, hometown, etc.?
5) Properly cite your project, using at least five (5) sources
a. At least one (1) source must be theoretical (use a course reading)
b. At least one (1) source must be historical
c. Use high quality sources; i.e. dictionaries and Encyclopedias do not count as sources.
d. Family members do count as sources