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LBST 100/300: Introduction to Critical Education (Professor Ardon)

LBST 100 / 300 Assignments


Although the original aim of public education was to become the Great Equalizer, its evolution has occurred against the backdrop of entrenched discrimination and segregation on the basis of gender, race, class, language, nationality, ability, and other intersecting identities. Thus, a critical examination of the underlying causes (systemic, historical, social, political) that allow for inequalities is necessary to recognize the connection between U.S. society and public education.

  • Use the library research databases to find and evaluate two (2) scholarly, authoritative, and/or popular sources. Your sources should illustrate your ideas and provide evidence for your arguments. Cite your sources and include the authors’ name, title of the articles/reports, and dates in the worksheet. 
  • Students will work in their designated groups to examine critical issues in U.S. public education based on the theme identified by the instructor. The theme of the first peer discussion is laws and rights. Students will explore the ways in which laws have been created and implemented to exclude or expand rights in public education. §
  • Explore the historical and institutional effects of inequalities by focusing your investigation on one (1) specific law that has shaped U.S. public education. For example, think of the timelines described by Race Forward and Joel Spring. §
  • Critically analyze the effect of this law using the intersectionality framework (experiences of discrimination and privilege within intersecting identities).

Discussion Questions

Answer the following questions in your worksheet.

  1. Describe the law and its history. Who led the efforts to create this law? What were the ideas/beliefs that originated/shaped this law? What were its most significant provisions/measures/policies?
  2. Describe the impact of the law for historically marginalized populations. Who benefited from this law and how? Who was harmed by this law and how? How did the law expand or curtail rights in society and education? Was this law implemented at the federal, state, or local level? What was the response from the community?
  3. Analyze the significance of the law in current public education. What has been the effect of this law in making public education more equitable?

For full assignment guidelines, please check Cougar Courses.