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SOC 480: Sociology Senior Capstone (Professor Michelle Fraser)

SOC 480 Research Assignment

For full assignment guidelines, please consult Canvas.

Literature Review Guidelines

Research your topic choice and write a scholarly literature review on the social problem in the United States.

Literature Review must: 

  1. Synthesize at least 10 sociology and/or criminology peer-reviewed scholarly articles into a literature review on your topic in the U.S.

  2. Connect your topic to at least two categories of identity (race, class, gender, sexuality, religion, etc.) and explain the affects of inequality on people experiencing your social problem.

  3. Utilize one sociology or criminology theory as the framework for your social problem.

  4. Include sociological concepts throughout.

Structure of the Paper

  • Introduction

The topic is introduced, and the thesis statement gives clear direction to what factors will be discussed throughout the paper. Includes current data reflecting social problem status. [Suggested length: 2-3 paragraphs - 1 page] (15 points possible based on content and style).

  • Literature Review

Demonstrate your ability to locate, identify, and write about sociology/criminology scholarship related to your topic/social problem. The result should be a detailed discussion of what the scholarly literature tells you is the current status of your topic/social problem. Synthesize don’t summarize. Clearly discuss the social problem using sociological concepts throughout. Analyze your topic/ social problem through the lens of at least one sociology or criminology theory. Discuss how inequality is related to at least 2 social factors or categories of identity (race/ethnicity, class, sexuality, gender, religion, etc.). Scholarly, sociology/criminology, peer reviewed sources must all be fairly recent (2014 - present). [Suggested length: 5-6 pages] (50 points possible based on content and style).

  • Conclusion

Make succinct and precise conclusions based on the literature review and introduction. Insights into the problem are appropriate and implications are clear. [Suggested length: 2-3 paragraphs - 1 page] (15 points possible based on content and style).

  • References

Use the American Sociological Association (ASA) or American Psychological Association citation styles (APA). Must be in correct format, both in-text and reference page. Any sources cited in-text MUST be included in reference page and any sources included in reference page MUST be cited in-text. No sources over 10 years old, no dissertations, master's thesis, or conference papers allowed. [Suggested length: minimum 10 scholarly sources that you independently located and used] (20 points possible based upon content and style).