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SSCI 300: Transfer Student Success (Fogle)

Scholarly Journal Articles


How do we know a source we've found is a scholarly journal article? Look for these clues:

  • written by scholars (with affiliations to universities or research institutions)
  • written for other scholars and students (and therefore difficult to read)
  • published in an academic journal with a peer-review process
    • Here are some examples:
      • The American Political Science Review
      • Political Science Quarterly
      • International Journal of Politics, Culture, & Society
      • International Journal of Politics and Security
  • structured format (from A Political Science Guide):
    • (ex. introduction, theoretical framework/literature review, case study, conclusion)
  • extensive references at the end

Most Useful

Also Useful

Tips Examples

Use keywords, not long search phrases


Instead of searching for "How do college campuses develop best practices to support the needs of their students who identify as neurodivergent?"

   college, best practices, students neurodivergent

To get more focused results:

  • Use quotation marks (" ") to keep phrases together
  • Use AND to combine different keywords
  college AND "best practices" AND neurodivergent
  • To get broader results:
    • Use OR to combine similar/associated keywords
    • Truncate words that have a variety of endings with *    

(college or higher education) AND neurodiver* AND (college or undergraduates)


neurodiver* = neurodiverse, neurodivergent

Look for ways to limit your search in the database

You can often limit by type of article (scholarly and peer-reviewed) & year of publication