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STEM / HS Library Internship

This guide provides access to the STEM / HS Library internship curriculum developed by Tricia Lantzy (HSHS Librarian) and Talitha Matlin (STEM Librarian).

Internship Curriculum (Tentative)

The internship curriculum and all related materials are licensed for sharing and adaption with attribution under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. Please note that this page provides an example of a possible schedule, but actual activities and week-to-week schedule will likely differ. 

Week Overview Assignments
0 - Prep week When students are accepted into the internship, ask them to sign the consent form allowing for use of anonymized data in research publications related to this project. 
  1. IRB consent form (signature needed at time of acceptance into the internship
1 - What is an academic library? Introduction to professional workplaces 

Complete the activities and assignments below during Week 1.

  • Complete the Pre-test assessment before any of the other activities in Week 1.
  • Meet with supervisor to review schedule for internship and develop internship norms and expectations.
  • Attend a department meeting.
  • Online etiquette readings:
  • Find and read the library's strategic plan. 
  • Email 2 librarians to set up interviews within the next 2 weeks. Make sure to copy internship supervisors on these emails (see email assignment instructions).
  1. Pre-test (access to the full pre- and post-test assessment tool is available by request to Talitha Matlin
  2. Email assignment
  3. Shared internship norms and expectations
2 - What is an academic library? Introduction to professional workplaces (Continued)

Complete the activities and assignments below during Week 2.

  1. Career Pathways Assignment
3 - Meet your librarians!

Complete the activities and assignments below during Week 3.

  • Complete pre-interview research and worksheets.
  • Complete Librarian interviews (2 librarians in non-instructional roles) by the end of this week.
  • Debrief meeting with supervisor after librarian interviews. Bring your completed Interview Forms. 
  • Attend one or more on-campus or library meeting(s) with your supervisor.
  • Start brainstorming potential project ideas/areas of interest. Take notes to be prepared to discuss with your supervisor next week.
  1. 2 Pre-interview Worksheets and 2 Librarian Interview Worksheets
4 - Introduction to library resources

Complete the activities and assignments below during Week 4.

  • Complete STEM or HS Librarian job shadow by the end of this week - 2 hours (part 1)
    • [Schedule at least 15 minutes at the beginning of the job shadow time to discuss the job shadow readings.]
  • Meeting with Supervisor
    • Debrief job shadow. Bring your completed Job Shadow Feedback Form.
    • Discuss potential independent project ideas.
    • Plan which instruction sessions you can observe next week.
  • Introduction to library resources activity. Complete the scavenger hunt and be prepared to discuss your reflection responses with your supervisor next week.
  1. Job Shadow Feedback Form
  2. Scavenger Hunt (An introduction to the library website)
5 - Instruction in the library 

Complete the activities and assignments below during Week 5.

  • Meeting with supervisor:
    • Discuss Scavenger Hunt reflection questions.
    • Check in on project idea submission.
  • Closely read ACRL’s Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education
  • Observe 3 librarian-led instruction sessions this week. At least one class session should be instruction related to your major. Complete the Instruction Reflection.
  1. Independent Project Idea
  2. Instruction Reflection
6 - Research tools in your discipline

Complete the activities and assignments below during Week 6.

  • Investigate 3 databases in your field to help you complete the “Research Tools in Your Field” and “Database Tips Sheet” assignments below.
  • Email Special Collections/Archives contact to schedule 4.5 hours of work in the department during week 7.
  • Continue work on independent project.

  1. Complete Database Worksheet
  2. Create 1-page database tips sheet (intended audience: other students)
7 - Working with library collections

Complete the activities and assignments below during Week 7.

  • Archives/Special Collections Activities
  • Complete Resource Recommendations Activity.
  • Work with your internship supervisor for 2 hours on weeding activities.
  • Continue work on independent project.

  1. Resource Recommendations Activity
8 - Open Access / Open Education Resources

Complete the activities and assignments below during Week 8.

  1. OERs in STEM/Health Sciences Assignment
9 - Evaluating science information

Complete the activities and assignments below during Week 9.

  1. Identifying false claims in faulty health science information assignment
10 - Understanding Google - The Good and the Bad

Complete the activities and assignments below during Week 10.

  • Understanding Google - the Good and the Bad
  • Continue work on independent project
  1. Understanding Google - the Good and the Bad assignment
11 - Privacy and the internet

Complete the activities and assignments below during Week 11.

  • Learn about Data Privacy by reading/watching the following:
  • Use what you’ve learned from these resources (and other resources you’ve found on the web if you wish) to develop a Data Privacy Handout.
  • Attend and participate in a department or faculty meeting and complete the Meeting Participation Reflection. This is also an opportunity to provide the group with a brief update on your independent project.
  • Schedule a 2-hour reference job shadow for next week. 
  • Continue work on independent project.
  1. Data Privacy Handout
  2. Meeting Participation Reflection
12 - Library reference 101

Complete the activities and assignments below during Week 12.

  1. Sample Reference Questions assignment
13 - Preparing for the future (Part 1)

Complete the activities and assignments below during Week 13:

  • Meet with supervisor to discuss career search best practices, lessons they’ve learned from their previous job searches (1 hr)
  • Complete Resume and Cover Letter Assignment
  • Continue work on independent project.
  1. Cover Letter and Resume assignment
14 - Preparing for the future (Part 2)

Complete the activities and assignments below during Week 14.

  • Meeting to get supervisor feedback on cover letter/resume assignment and discuss relevant issues of professionalism and job searches. (1 hour)
  • Revise both the resume and cover letter based on your supervisor’s feedback.
  • Continue work on independent project (you present next week!).
  1. Updated resume and cover letter
15 - Final week!
  • Finish and present your final project at a library faculty (or department) meeting
  • Complete post-test 
  • Meet with Supervisor for exit interview
  • Complete exit paperwork with library administration
  1. Post-test (access to the full pre- and post-test assessment tool is available by request to Talitha Matlin
  2. Internship reflection