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GEO 102 Library Resources

This guide includes library resources and assignments for students enrolled in GEO 102: General Education - Oral Communications

Finding Evidence

From your GEO class, you know that there are four types of evidence:

Type of Evidence Definition Where will I find it? What tool should I use?
Examples Concrete relevant instances that personalize concepts News and scholarly articles

News articles: America's News Collection

Scholarly articles: Academic Search Premier

Analogies A comparison to something the audience already understands, along with an explanation of the similarity - "X is like Y because..." This is something that you'll create as a way to connect your topic to your audience.   
Expert Testimony A quotation from someone who studies the topic and/or has specialized education, training, or knowledge.  Scholarly articles Academic Search Premier
Statistics Numerical data that quantify ideas News and scholarly articles, possibly government websites

News articles: America's News Collection

Scholarly articles: Academic Search Premier

Government websites: using a search engine, search for your topic keywords and add the words statistics and site: gov

And, you know that you can search the library databases to find various types of sources, including newspaper articles, scholarly articles, books, reports, and more. Some of our most popular databases include:

Good speeches are based on evidence from a wide range of sources. And, once you've found a source, you need to know how to locate the specific pieces of evidence within that source in order to use them for your speeches. Follow the instructions below to learn how to do this. 

Watch this video showing you how to identify specific pieces of evidence within a scholarly article. It will also provide an overview of how to know whether or not the source itself is a peer-reviewed article, since you may need to use a specific number of peer-reviewed articles for your speech assignment.