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*Always consult Cougar Courses for full research assignment guidelines.
Policy Project Prompt
For Professor Perez's final assignment, your group will develop an original legislative resolution aimed at addressing a particular issue afflicting Marginalized Communities (ie fair housing, police violence, education funding/curriculum/staffing, voting rights) or other Social Justice issue that you find most salient. Professor Perez expects you to develop your model legislative proposal after those set forth by local and statewide offices.
Your proposal should provide directive (financial/programmatic) solutions to the problem: i.e. undocumented immigrants have issues buying vehicles and insurance due to their status, we apportion $$$ to develop special licenses for undocumented residents that pass the CA Driver’s Test. Professor Perez emphasizes dealing with your issue with a practical solution (major issue is student to counselor access disparities, dedicated funding to specifically hire counselors) rather than something broad (ending racism/sexism/homophobia/systematic oppression). Do not feel as though you need to save the world with this legislation. Rather, find one important issue within a broader issue (immigration reform: family separation).
Assignment Parameters
To develop your proposal, your group will: