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ECON 481 WOLTZ, Criminal Justice contact and the labor market

Business News (U.S. and Global)

The library has electronic access to business news and journals. Make sure to always log-in to the library for full access.

Image of PowerPoint Slide for BUS 302 search strategies

PPTX with search strategies for your review 

Databases providing Business News sources:

Wall Street Journal

We have a few spaces which provide access to The Wall Street Journal. (See the screencast)

Access The Wall Street Journal from Factiva (subscription library database)

Factiva (requires sign in with credentials)

Note: this database has a 23 simultaneous user limit; if you get a message about not being able to access try again in a few minutes. 

Screen shot of Factiva interface showing selecting of Wall street Journal as a source

At the present time we have access to The Wall Street Journal through subscriptions to Global Newsstream, ProQuest ABI/Inform, and Factiva. 

If you search for The Wall Street Journal using the OneSearch bar you will locate a record showing links to access the title.

Library catalog search for The Wall Street Journal