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ECON 481-15 Criminal Justice contact and the labor market

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How do we know a source we've found is a scholarly journal article? Look for these clues:

  • written by scholars (with affiliations to universities or research institutions)
  • written for other scholars and students (and therefore difficult to read)
  • published in an academic journal with a peer-review process
  • structured format (abstract, introduction, etc...)
  • extensive references at the end

Example of a Scholarly Peer Reviewed Journal Article that uses your required dataset.

Click to view the article -

Image of record for a peer reviewed journal article from a search in Academic Search Premier

This is a curated list of economics databases for your assignment. If you are not finding what you need, consult with your librarian

You are required to use the following Data Set.

Your question must focus on individual behavior or outcomes such that the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1997 (NLSY 97) is an appropriate dataset to use if you are pursuing an original research project.

Below are links to select data for crime and related data and statistics.

Below are select economics data and statistics