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History 102: World History 1500-Present

History 102 Source Project

For your Source Project Assignment, you are required to find the following 4 types of sources:

  1. Visual primary source
  2. Written primary source
  3. Current scholarly source
  4. Contemporary popular culture source

This guide will guide you in identifying and finding the sources you need for this assignment.

  Source Example Tool
Contemporary popular source Meme, advertisement or commercial, TV or movie clip, song, fashion collection or editorial spread, or another type of pop culture item. Search engine, social media
Scholarly source Book (academic publisher) or peer reviewed journal articles

Books & More search, OR

Historical Abstracts database
Written primary source newspaper article, letter, diary, travel account, speech (transcript), government publications and documents See list of primary source tools on the next page
Visual primary source Photograph, engraving, map, popular or find art piece, advertisement, cartoon, or another visual primary source See list of primary source tools on the next page