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CSUSM University Library Mini-Conference 2024: Home


August 13, 2024, 8:30am - 4:30pm 

Mini-Conference Timeline

  • May 6 - Call for Proposals
  • June 21 - Proposals Due
  • June 28 - Notifications Sent 
  • July 19 - Schedule Announced
  • August 1 & 2 - Presenter Drop In Q&A
  • August 13 - Mini-Conference 

Tentative Agenda

Time Agenda Item
8:30am - 9:00am Breakfast and Poster Review
9:00am - 10:00am Welcome and Keynote
10:00am - 10:15am Break
10:15am - 11:00am Presentation 1
11:00am - 11:15am Break
11:15am - 12:00pm Presentation 2
12:00pm - 12:45pm Lunch
12:45pm - 1:45pm Poster Session
1:45pm - 2:30pm Presentation 3
2:30pm - 3:15pm Activity
3:15pm - 3:30pm Closing Remarks



The University Library Professional Activity and Research Mini-Conference is a daylong event where CSUSM library employees can present on their professional activity and/or research. This event will provide an opportunity for library employees to present in a professional environment and reflect the opportunity on their CVs/resumes; build organizational insight into others’ work and research in the library; demonstrate how research and professional activities support and strengthen the mission of the library; and provide a venue for sharing a wide range of anti-racist and social justice activities and research conducted by library employees.  

As this is an event intended to develop both seasoned and novice library professionals, the review and presentation process will be heavily supported through committee assistance and guidance that will help proposers write an abstract and bio, create outcomes for a presentation, and develop a presentation or poster.   

University Library Professional Activity and Research Mini-Conference

2024 Mini-Conference: Embracing Change: Leadership Evolution and Fostering Organizational Culture 

Considering the ongoing organizational transition and our focus for DEIA as outlined in the Library Strategic Plan 2023-2028, there's a chance to redefine the culture and leadership within the University Library. What sort of culture and values do we aspire to embody? What pieces of our current culture are important to keep moving forward, and where do we want to improve? How can we implement changes that enhance employee well-being? What approaches can incoming leadership employ to foster the desired organizational culture? 

Topics include but are not limited to:  

  • Leadership styles and effective communication: How they affect organizational culture, employee attitudes, organizational success, etc.  

  • Types of workplace environments: How they may impact employee satisfaction, productivity, well-being, community, etc.  

  • Employee wellness: Stress management, work-life balance, social connection and community building, etc.  

  • Leadership Development and Succession Planning: Share best practices for developing leaders within the organization and planning for leadership succession. 

  • Change Management and/or Reorganization: Explore how leadership can support employees through change and cultivate a culture that embraces innovation and adaptation. 

For help with writing your proposal, you can review the resources from the 2022 Mini-Conference: 

If you'd like additional help with proposal writing, you can contact Toni Olivas. 

If you want help brainstorming ideas, reviewing abstracts, thinking about presentation or poster structure, there are many people willing to help!

  • Kelly Ann Sam
  • Toni Olivas

Mini-Conference Planning Committee

  • Kelly Ann Sam
  • Char Booth 
  • Alysa Hernandez
  • Hugo Wong
  • Jerry Limberg
  • Toni Olivas
  • Leslie Hovland
  • Angelique Vasquez
  • Arely Ayala
  • Lalitha Nataraj