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About Zotero

Zotero is both a desktop application and a browser extension that easily manages your sources. It collects citation information, organizes sources, and creates bibliographies in almost all citation styles.

This guide will take you through the basics of installation, capturing citations, creating bibliographies, and it will provide some tips and tricks that will help you get the most out of Zotero.


This is by far the most difficult part of using Zotero for most students. Depending on the preferred browser and computer (Mac or PC), the process will be slightly different. Zotero was originally created as a browser extension for Firefox.

Zotero is now only available as a standalone application that can work with Chrome, Safari, or Firefox browser extensions.To download Zotero, go to, and select the big red button that says "Download Now."

Then choose which version you want to install based on which browser you use and follow the steps provided by the Zotero website.

Health Sciences & Human Services Librarian