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Annotated Bibliography (1-3)
Please thoroughly read and annotate 3 peer-reviewed journal articles on the subject of your choice. Total should be less than 1000 words.
Use the following format:
1. Produce the citation in APA format.
2. What is the research question? You may copy and paste this from the paper. (50-100 words)
3. Evaluate the article. (100-150 words) Include answers to the following questions:
Annotated Bibliography (4-6)
Please thoroughly read and annotate 5 peer-reviewed journal articles related to the topic of your research proposal.
Use the following format:
1. Produce the citation in APA format.
2. What is the research question? (50-100 words)
3. Evaluate the article. (100-150 words) Include answers to the following questions:
4. How did you organise your references? Mendeley, EndNote, spreadsheet, other? Give one Pro and one Con of your method. Include a screenshot of your method, showing your references used here, at the end of the assignment.
1) The Title and Authors
2) Aims of the research
3) Theoretical framework (what does your reader need to know to understand what you propose?
What’s been done already that you are building on? This section has LOTS of citations)
4) The research problem.
5) Proposed methods of data collection and analysis (these are prompts for you to consider, you don’t
have to include all this information if it does not relate to your paper)
6) Possible outcomes to this proposed study
7) Possible limitations to this proposed study
8) Specific, realistic timetable for your study and description of any resources required (I would suggest
putting this in an actual table, and label it as a figure in your paper. As this is meant to be you, not
theoretical people, doing this project, I would suggest using semesters as a helpful unit of time, and I
want to see actual dates)
9) If your proposal is accepted for funding, what would be your group's next steps?
ENVS 210 Research Proposal
ENVS 210 Research Proposal
Minimum 2500 words, APA format, word doc or PDF only. 1 paper per group submitted on Cougar Courses. Groups must be 2-4 people. Use the headings below.
The title, authors and date on title page