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ENVS 210: Research Methods (Prof. Simokat)

ENVS 210 Research Assignments Guidelines

Annotated Bibliography (1-5)

Please thoroughly read and annotate 5 peer-reviewed journal articles on the subject of your choice.

Use the following format:

1.  Produce the citation in APA format.

2.  What is the research question?  (50-100 words)

3.  Evaluate the article.  (100-150 words)  Include answers to the following questions:  

  • Is the author credible?
  • Are the arguments effective?
  • What are the strengths and weaknesses of the paper?

Annotated Bibliography (6-10)

Please thoroughly read and annotate 5 peer-reviewed journal articles on the subject of your choice.

Use the following format:

1.  Produce the citation in APA format.

2.  What is the research question?  (50-100 words)

3.  Evaluate the article.  (100-150 words)  Include answers to the following questions:  

  • Is the author credible?
  • Are the arguments effective?
  • What are the strengths and weaknesses of the paper?
  • How might I incorporate this source into my paper?
  • How did you organize your sources (e.g. Mendeley, Zotero, and Endnote)? Please include a screenshot of your organization format and provide a pro/con related to your organization format.


Group Outline Format

  1. The Title and Authors
  2. Aims of the research
    1. General topic
    2. Identify the gap in knowledge in the current literature on your subject that you aim to fill
  3. Theoretical framework (what does your reader need to know to understand what you propose?  What’s been done already that you are building on? This section has LOTS of citations)
    1. Concept/ Model 1
    2. Concept/ Model 2
    3. Concept/ Model 3, etc
  4. The research problem
    1. Explain context, define area and population
    2. Describe research problem and question
    3. Explain your hypothesis
  5. Proposed methods of data collection and analysis
    1. Explain what type of research you are proposing (qual/quant, developing a theory or testing a theory, original research or a review of existing research)
    2. Models you may be using
    3. Sources of data (remember, if you intend to use people at all, you will need to state that you will have your methods reviewed by an IRB  You don’t actually have to submit this yet because it is a proposal, but if you were accepted, that would have to happen right away)
    4. Sampling methods
      1. original collection or using others’ data? 
      2. Survey, focus group, case study, other? 
      3. What equipment will you use?
    5. What format will your results be in?  How would you analyze the results?
      1. will you have numbers or coded and grouped pieces of info?  Will you have people’s responses in writing or recorded audio? 
      2. Review the stats PPT, would you use stats to find the statistical significance of your data?
      3. Would you write up the results as a theory and test it in future studies?
  6. Possible outcomes to this proposed study
    1. If your hypothesis is correct, what will that mean in this field of study?
    2. If your hypothesis is not correct, what will that mean?
  7. Possible limitations to this proposed study
    1. What problems might you encounter?
    2. What more would you like to do in this study, but it’s not feasible right now?  Why isn’t it feasible?
  8. Specific, realistic timetable for your study and description of any resources required (I would suggest putting this in an actual table, and label it as a figure in your paper.  As this is meant to be you, not theoretical people, doing this project, I would suggest using semesters as a helpful unit of time, and I want to see actual dates)
  9. If your proposal is accepted for funding, what would be your group's next steps?
    1. Next steps (meaning, what are the first few things your group would do to start your work?) 
    2. Future research (what you might do in the future, how you would build on this for future research)
  10. List of references (minimum of 10 for final proposal – for the outline just include what you have so far)

ENVS 210  Research Proposal

Minimum 3500 words, APA format, word doc or PDF only.  1 paper per group submitted on Cougar Courses.  No more than 5 members per group.  Use the headings below.

  • The title
  • Authors
  • Aims of the research
  • Theoretical framework/ Literature review
  • The research problem
  • Proposed methods of data collection and analysis
  • Possible outcomes and limitations to this proposed study
  • Timetable of the project and description of any resources required
  • If you were to proceed with this project, what would be your next steps?
  • List of references (minimum of 10)