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GBM 430 Import and Export Operations Course Guide (Antoniou)

Course Guide for GBM 430

Image of continents with words representing trade

Pixabay image of shipping containers by geratt. Used under (CC0); image resized from original.

Use this guide to help you locate reports, articles, data, etc. to help you make decisions on exporting your product/service to other counties.

Library Workshop

Using appropriate resources (government websites, websites, and library subscription databases) will conduct research on a Country. 

Countries: Ireland, Singapore, and Germany 

Open in a new tab/window:

Library Workshop Handout (PDF) - (Code to be provided)

Survey of Librarian Instruction (complete at the end of instruction session) - Click to complete the short survey 

Image of black and white QR code to open a qualtrics survey of librarian instruction