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From left to right: Joel Goldsmith, Goldsmith Seeds, Joseph Fischer, Fischer Geraniums, Paul Ecke III, Tom Doak, Yoder Brothers, and Richard Goldsmith, Goldsmith Seeds. The Flower Fields Alliance included four independent flower breeders.
Picture taken at the Encinitas Train Station, in downtown Encinitas. Second from left: Charlie McCarver. Behind him: Ernie Ruth
Goldsmith employees and members of the Flower Fields Alliance.
Ricardo Campos, general manager, Paul Ecke de Guatemala (PEG) with employee, Andreas Kientzler, and Ludwig Kientzler of the Kientzler company in Germany (they licensed to the Ecke Ranch their New Guinea impatiens for the U.S.)
Society of American Florists event.
From left to right: Jim Mellano of Mellano and Company, Maureen Ecke (Paul Jr.'s wife), and Paul Ecke Jr. First the right: Bob Otsuka, market manager for the San Francisco Flower Market, H. Michael Mellano of Mellano and Company, unknown, Monica Mellano, Jim's wife.
Carlos (last name unknown) range attendant at the Paul Ecke Ranch with Paul Ecke III.
Paul Ecke Sr. (Grand Marshall), Sara Ecke May, and Magdalena Ecke.
Paul Ecke III (center), Mrs. Amelita Ramos, first lady of the Philippines (wife of Fidel Ramos), and Paul Ecke Jr. (right), with the rest of the delegation from the Philippines.
The Eckes first met with Mrs. Ramos at a poinsettia seminar in the Philippines. This picture was taken on her subsequent visit to the Paul Ecke Ranch.
Paul Ecke III (left) at the PLA booth at the Essen Trade Show in Germany. PLA was an Ecke company based in Denmark that managed licensing for poinsettias and other crops around the world.
Prior to the 1960s, Poinsettia sales consisted primarily of cut flowers.
Paul Ecke Sr. (lower right). This truck was presumably headed to the Encinitas Train Station to ship boxes of bare-root poinsettias. Customers would plant them and harvest cut poinsettias from them.
Ron Cramer (left), Paul Ecke Jr.(right), with the Japanese delegation from the Japanese Poinsettia Association.
Paul Ecke Sr. (left), William Dealy (right, without a hat). Bill Dealy was married to Ruth (Crix) Ecke, Paul and Magdalena Ecke's daughter.
From left to right: Teruo Takatomi, owner, Ron Cramer, Paul Ecke III, with J&H employees.
Kimie Kurashima's husband, Manabu, worked with the Paul Ecke Ranch to set up a plant patent act in Japan.
From left to right: Lars Henriksen (general manager, PLA International, owned by the Paul Ecke Ranch), Ron Cramer (Paul Ecke Ranch), Paul Ecke III. Far right: Franz Fruehwirth (head poinsettia breeder, Paul Ecke Ranch)
From left to right: Andy Higgins (President, Paul Ecke Ranch, Paul Ecke de Guatemala), PEG employee, Andor Gerendas (head engineer, PEG), grower PEG, and Byron Calderon, (general manager, PEG).
Left to right: Wife of Byron Calderon, Byron Calderon (general manager, Paul Ecke de Guatemala), unknown, Paul Ecke III, and Mayra (last name unknown), head of HR at PEG.
Paul Ecke Jr. and Dr. Harry Tayama, professor at Ohio State University (front right).
Chris Calkins the manager of Carltas Company seen here at a customer's greenhouse.
Jay Leno and Hugh Grant.
Ricardo Campos (right), general manager, Paul Ecke de Guatemala, in front of the vacuum cooler used to cool cuttings after harvest.
The picture was taken in Paul Ecke Sr. and Magdalena Ecke's backyard.
Ricardo Campos (general manager, Paul Ecke de Guatemala) and the engineer who helped design farm 1, near Antigua, Guatemala.
From left to right: Jamie Kitz (sales representative for Paul Ecke Ranch), Ricardo Campos (General Manger of Paul Ecke de Guatemala), Laurie Scullin (sales and marketing manager of Paul Ecke Ranch), and Joe (last name unknown) (sales representative for Paul Ecke Ranch).
From left to right: Paul Ecke III, Kathy Liggett, and Blair Hoey.
Paul Ecke III (left), Lars Henriksen (manager, Ecke Ranch European license agency - PLA), the delegation from Sakata Corporation, Japan.
From left to right: Joel Goldsmith, Joseph Fischer, Faith Savage (employee), Paul Ecke III, Tom Doak, and Richard Goldsmith.
Paul Ecke Jr. and Thony Maurer (Magdalena Ecke's brother) at Barn 1, Paul Ecke Ranch in Encinitas. The boxes in the background are filled with bare root poinsettias to be sent by rail car across the country. The large scale on the right was used to weigh boxes for shipping.
Julie Hampton (wife of Paul Ecke III) and Ruth Kobayashi who was the head flower breeder at the Paul Ecke Ranch.
Rollie Ayers (center, no jacket), Paul Ecke Jr. (right to Ayers), and Ed Harloff.
Carlsbad, California in the 1980s.
Paul Ecke Jr. (front, center). The Japanese Poinsettia Association (JPA) was formed to get royalty income from Japan before a plant patent protection system was in place. Growers paid royalty to be able to grow Ecke poinsettia varieties, and got technical support from the Ranch.
Paul Ecke Jr. promoting poinsettias on the Dinah Shore Show. The Ranch had to bloom poinsettias out of season to be featured on holiday shows as most Christmas shows were filmed in the previous summer or fall.