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Letter from Kozuio Sugimoto to Paul Ecke Jr. thanking him for the poinsettias, and keeping him updated on happenings in Montana.
Dear Mr. Ecke,
First of all, I would like to thank you for the very lovely poinsettias. It was very nice of you to think of us even during your busiest season.
The ? in Montana we are still busy as ever despite the terrific windstorms. At the present we are sending out oil olives and yams.
In closing, I want to say "thanks" again.
Sincerely yours,
Kozuio Sugimoto
Letter from Paul Ecke Jr. to Kozuio Sugimoto regarding an employment prospect at his neighbor's estate, Horseman place. He also requests that Mr. Sugimoto inform friends and acquaintances to claim and collect personal belongings stored in Mr. Ecke's warehouse. The letter was presumably written after Mr. Sugimoto's time being detained at Poston Camp 1, Arizona, a Japanese American internment camp, from 1942 through 1944.
Letter from Paul Ecke Jr. to Kozuio Sugimoto regarding prospects in the San Fernando Valley. The letter was presumably written after Mr. Sugimoto's time being detained at Poston Camp 1, Arizona, a Japanese American internment camp, from 1942 through 1944.
Paul Ecke Jr. and the Ranch trailer used to haul 4-H animals to the Del Mar Fair. The display sign was created by the Society of American Florists to promote the flower industry.
President Gerald Ford and Paul Ecke Jr. at a Society of American Florists event.
Paul Ecke III and Amelita Ramos, former first lady of the Philippines during her visit to the Paul Ecke Ranch, Inc.
Paul Ecke Jr. promoting poinsettias on the Dinah Shore Show. The Ranch had to bloom poinsettias out of season to be featured on holiday shows as most Christmas shows were filmed in the preceding summer or fall.
Franz Freuwirth, a Poinsettia breeder for the Paul Ecke Ranch, standing in the greenhouse where he did much of the breeding.
Photographed at the Encinitas Train Station, in downtown Encinitas. The station was subsequently moved to Leucadia. Second from left: Charlie McCarver. Behind Charlie: Ernie Ruth. (Date unknown)
Lower right: Paul Ecke Sr.
The truck would head to the Encinitas Train Station to ship boxes of bare-root poinsettias. Customers would plant them and they would grow into large plants. Cut poinsettias would then be harvested from them.
Steve Barkwell, Blooming Crop Grower for the Paul Ecke Ranch from 1984-1997 in Range 4 or 5 at the Paul Ecke Ranch
From left to right: Unknown person, Sara Ecke May, Paul Ecke Jr., Manabu Kurashima (agent of the Paul Ecke Ranch in Japan), Kimie Kurashima (his wife), Magdalena Ecke.
Kimie Kurashima (wife of Manabu Kurashima, agent of the Paul Ecke Ranch in Japan) and Sara Ecke May during a trip to Japan.
Paul Ecke Jr. (right).
The picture was taken on the Paul Ecke Ranch in what were animal pens from the time Paul Ecke Jr.'s children were young and in 4-H. The pens and barn were eventually used as a growing area, with the barn built like a greenhouse.
Paul Ecke Jr. (left), Alex Szekely (center, CEO, Golden Door Spa, Escondio), and Bob Vice (right, Chairman, California Farm Bureau). All three were directors of the 22nd District of Agriculture (the Del Mar Fair Board). The picture was taken presumably when the three of them entered into the demolition derby.
From left to right: Sue Kint, Paul Ecke Jr., Maureen Ecke (Paul's wife), Sue Kint's nephew.
Sue was a Carltas Company business connection and Korean investor in one of the Carlsbad Projects
Don Hubbard Sr. owned Don Hubbard Contracting, a San Marcos-based business. Don supported the YMCA along with Paul Ecke Jr.
Front row left to right: Lizbeth Ecke with her son, Matthew, Chairman Ha (investor in the Flower Fields), Chairman Ha's wife, Sue Kint (Chairman Ha's advisor).
Second row left to right: David Meyer (Lizbeth Ecke's husband), Maureen "Mo" Ecke (Paul Ecke Jr.'s second wife), unknown person, Paul Ecke Jr., Diane Calkins, Chris Calkins (far right, President, Carltas Company).
Back row, left to right: unknown person, John White (employee, Carltas Company) and Sandy White (wife).
Don Hubbard Sr. owned Don Hubbard Contracting, a San Marcos-based business. Don supported the YMCA along with Paul Ecke Jr.
Picture taken at the Del Mar Fair Garden Show (renamed the Paul Ecke Jr. Garden Show) with Paul Ecke Jr. presumably awarding the Paul Ecke Sr. Award to the winner.
The picture was taken presumably at the Del Mar Fair. From left to right: Tim Fennell's wife (Tim was the CEO/General Manager of the Del Mar Fair Grounds), Paul Ecke Jr., and an unknown woman.
Paul Ecke Jr. was appointed by Governor Pete Wilson to be on the Del Mar Fair Board. Paul Ecke Jr. continued to serve on the board for eight years starting in the early 1990s.
Paul Ece Jr. (front row, left), holding a white poinsettia. The rest of the group is wearing a white carnation.
Picture taken at the National Arboretum in Washington D.C.
Paul Ecke Jr. was on the Board of Directors of the Arboretum in the 1990s.
Paul Ecke Sr. (seated, sixth from the left) and Jim Leider from Chicago. The group met annually to travel and visit floriculture sites across the world.
Paul Ecke Jr. (second from left). The group is wearing Paul Ecke Ranch trucker hats.
Dr. Pat Morishita, an entomologist at the University of California Riverside, consulted at the Ecke Ranch.
Paul Ecke Sr. at the Bird of Paradise fields on the Encinitas Ranch looking north. The white sleeves were put over the flowers to protect them.
Paul Ecke Sr. at the head of table, unknown, Lilo Frische (long-time housekeeper and friend of Paul and Magdalena Ecke), unknown, Sue Harper (Paul Sr.'s helper/companion/caretaker after Magdalena passed away).
The picture was taken presumably from the Carlsbad Ranch, site of the modern day Flower Fields.
Rooted poinsettia cuttings in trays going from greenhouse to barn to be packed up for shipping.
From left to right: David Hartley and Ron Cramer, Paul Ecke Ranch employees. Picture taken in the Philippines.
Paul Ecke III (far right), David Hartley, Ranch employee (adjacent).
It is presumed to be at Fides (Dutch Company) on 11/6/1989.
Retirement party for Franz Fruehwirth, chief poinsettia breeder, Paul Ecke Ranch. Seated next to him is his wife Lilo. Behind - Paul Ecke III. At the podium - Steve Rinehart, COO of the Ranch. 1999
Alex Laurie was a floriculture professor at Ohio State University. The Society of American Florists established an award in his name in 1948.
Eckespoint C-1 leaf under the microscope. This was one of the first successful poinsettia varieties from the Ecke Ranch Breeding program.
From left to right: Paul Ecke Jr., Manabu Kurishima, Kimie Kurishima (wife of Manabu), Lizbeth Ecke, and Professor Tsurishima. The photo was taken on a business trip to visit Japanese poinsettia growers and establish a plant patent act in Japan.
Rollie Ayres (left), and Paul Ecke Jr.. Rollie Ayres was the first Executive Director of the Encinitas YMCA.
The Center was owned and developed by Carltas, the Ecke family real estate company.
Paul Ecke Jr. (back row, red shirt), Professor Alex Laurie (back row, red plaid shirt). Dude Engle, former classmate and friend of Paul Ecke Jr. from Ohio State University.
Paul Ecke Jr. (left) and Dr. Harry Tayama (center), Ohio State University.
Paul Ecke Jr. and Ken Benjamin (owner, Cenflo) at a Society of American Florists event.
The Paul Ecke Ranch run was organized in association with a summer picnic.
Employees after a Paul Ecke Ranch fishing trip. Melchor Roblado (left).
Max Ecke (Paul Ecke III's son), Julie Hampton (Paul Ecke III's wife), and Ruth Kobayashi (right), head breeder, Paul Ecke Ranch.
Yolanda Rocha (left) and Abel Morales.
Paul Ecke Sr. (center) with employees at his 80th birthday party celebrations in Barn 2, Paul Ecke Ranch, Encinitas, CA.
Norma Montano (bottom left) was a long time Ranch employee.
Paul Ecke Jr. with presumably a member of the Japanese Poinsettia Grower delegation.
Paul Ecke Sr. with an unidentified woman.
From left to right: Peter Fitzpatrick (family dentist, Encinitas), John Barrett (sp.), attorney and family friend, Lola Larson, and Paul Ecke Jr. Lola and Paul went to elementary school together. The group is pictured with a YMCA award.
Paul Ecke Jr. (center) is seated next to Pat Morshida (sp). Presumably in Japan with the Japanese Flower Growers.
Fred Clark (third from the left in the back), Carltas, and Paul Ecke III (front, center).
Paul Ecke Jr. (second from left), Mary Cathey (third from left), and Dr. Marc Cathey (far right), director, U.S. National Arboretum.