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"Entries cover biographical information, as well as the subjects' work, providing a unique guide to the many and varied contributions these women have made to economics." Source Publisher
4th Floor - Stacks JC423 .B86 1999
"A guide to economics, statistics and finance that explores the mathematical foundations underling econometric methods An Introduction to Econometric Theory offers a text to help in the mastery of the mathematics that underlie econometric methods and includes a detailed study of matrix algebra and distribution theory."...This important text: Presents a guide for teaching econometric methods to undergraduate and graduate students of economics, statistics or finance Offers proven classroom-tested material Contains sets of exercises that accompany each chapter Includes a companion website that hosts additional materials, solution manual and lecture slides Written for undergraduates and graduate students of economics, statistics or finance, An Introduction to Econometric Theory is an essential beginner’s guide to the underpinnings of econometrics" (Source Publisher)
"Understanding and Analyzing Competitive Dynamics analyzes business and economic dynamics from an interdisciplinary perspective by incorporating tools and approaches from regional economic development, international business, and strategic management literature."
"Lives of the Laureates offers readers an informal history of modern economic thought as told through autobiographical essays by eighteen winners of the Nobel Prize in Economics. The essays not only provide unique insights into major economic ideas of our time but also shed light on the processes of intellectual discovery and creativity." Source Publisher
Subject headings are assigned to books/ebooks in the library's catalog.
A "Subject heading" search finds titles on that subject. You can use the filters to sort the results by date, full text online, etc. Here are a few headings of potential interest to get you started
Subject Subheadings - you can add to your subject search after the names of states, regions, and main subjects. For instance: California - economic conditions
Some subject headings use "economic" as an adjective For instance: Economic Geography
(Adapted from Duke University's Economics Research Guide)