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Women's Gender and Sexuality Studies

Websites & Special Topics

Special Topics

Each year, during Women's History Month, a special theme is chosen. The following pages list resources for each theme.

 Web Sites

There are a number of useful Women's Studies Web sites. Make sure you evaluate each site for accuracy and authority.

Several sites include only those web resources that are tailored to college and university audiences. One such site is Academic Info. Another is the site at the University of California Riverside called InfoMine where you can search for more information under the topics of women,  gender studies, or the more specific topic you are focusing on.

Women Issues (University of Amsterdam)
Provides links to sites related to women's studies.  It is a comprehensive site maintained by the sociology department of the university.

Internet Resources for Women's History and Women's Studies
From University of Massachusetts Amherst provides to links to several research universities' special and archival collections for women studies.  They provide primary sources for research in women's history studies.

Women's resources online
List women's studies resources by category.

Includes female circumcision, marriage customs, daily life of women worldwide, trafficking of women and much more. Another great site is the Q Web  is the women's global communication network for exchange of knowledge, experience and ideas on women's health and gender issues.It is searchable.

Celebration of Women Writers
A site from Carnegie Mellon University  recognizes the contributions of women writers throughout history.

Artemis Guide to Women's Studies Programs throughout the United States
Provides  links  to most women's studies programs in the U.S. Keep in mind only those programs with web sites will be listed.

Women's Organizations

Feminist Bookstores, Publishers, Reviews, and First Chapters of Women's Studies Books (University of Wisconsin)