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GBM 427 Negotiations

Market Atlas by Mergent

Image of Market Atlas interface

Search by company name. Take care to select the right company as this source provides company information from a Global footprint.

Here is a search on AMZN 

Image of market atlas inferface for a search result on amazon

Navigate across the top menu within the company, Here is shown a selection on the Analysis tab. 

Mergent atlas interface for amazon analysis page


Screenshot of Factiva company snapshot menu enter name or ticker number for report

As you read the report for your company - explore the "Discovery Pane." These are companies, industries, subjects, and regions that relate in some way to your company. This "relational" approach can reveal competitors, strategic partnerships, areas of expansion, etc. This requires your critical thinking to identify and understand the connections.

Hoover's Company Records

Screenshot of search boxes to locate reports by entering keywords OR by using the browse company

Business Source Premier

Contains Marketline Reports with global coverage. Each report contains statistics on industry market value, forecast, and market segmentation, competition and leading companies. Note: Page attention to dates, currency as some reports could be older.

Interface for Business Source Premier with arrows showing browsing reports OR basic keywroding

To access the help information, and tutorials below you must be logged into the library. 

Business Searching Help from EBSCOhost (official)

Business Source Advances Search Features (video & PPT)

ABI/INFORM Complete (by Proquest)

Advanced search menu selected with two search bars to enter keywords