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AMD 121: Pre-20th Century Art History

Use this guide to understand the types of sources required to support your Museum Report research, and where to find them.

Scholarly, Authoritative, or Popular?

  Scholarly (peer-reviewed, academic) Authoritative Popular
Audience other scholars/researchers everyone everyone
Vocabulary specialized language of the field, "jargon" professional language common language

very structured (abstract, intro, methods, conclusion, bibliography)

Not exactly true for art history articles!

can be structured for clarity more story-like, shorter with minimal headings

many sources in the bibliography

sometimes includes a few sources or footnotes no bibliography
Review blind reviewed by other scholars  fact checked by the organization sometimes reviewed by an editor
Examples Ars Orientalis, Art History, Arte Medievale, Metropolitan Museum Journal, Revue Achéologique, Studies in Iconography museum publications Art & Museum, Daily Art, History Magazine, National Geographic, Smithsonian Magazine
Author(s) scholar(s) experts or reputable organizations non-experts or journalists