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BUS 442 Business Strategy (Lerchbacker)

Guide for students who are researching for their Business Strategy Cources

Annual Report

Example of an entry for a corporate annual report from a company's website.

Netflix, Inc. (2019, Dec. 31). Form 10-K. Retrieved from

Example of an entry for a corporate annual report from (EDGAR)

Netflix, Inc. (2019, Dec. 31). Form 10-K. Retrieved from

Image of form 10-q for Netflix, Inc

Industry Report (IBISWorld)

IBISWorld Industry Report

Image of an industry report in IBISWorld

Reference Entry
Cook, D. (2020, September). Video game software publishing in the US (51121E). [US industry report]. Retrieved from 

In-text citation (w/out a page number)

(Cook, 2020)

NOTE: If you are directly quoting from this source include the page number; easily obtained from the PDF of the report. 

In-text citation (with a page number)

(Cook, 2020, p. 36)

If you are citing a Company Benchmarking Report for example:

Nortonlifelock Inc. 

Use this model and insert your report information with date retrieved.

Company Benchmarking Report

IBISWorld (n.d). US Company Benchmarking Report 10097 Nortonlifelock Inc. Retrieved March 28, 2023 from


IBISWorld (n.d.)

Note if you cite more than one company benchmark report you will need to use a, b, c to differentiate between the sources.

IBISWorld (n.d. -a)



Mergent Online

Screenshot of top level menu to a company report from Mergent Online

Reference Entry for a Company
Mergent, Inc. (n.d.). Tesla, Inc.: Company details. Retrieved October 16, 2020 from

Note: (n.d.) represents no date. Reports pulled from this source do not have a known date. Where you must include a date is in the retrieval statement. This is because this source is subject to change.

In-text citation

(Mergent, Inc., n.d.)

Reference Entry for a section of a company report
Mergent, Inc. (n.d.). Tesla, Inc. [Ownership]. Retrieved October 21, 2020 from

Note: (n.d.) represents no date. Reports pulled from this source do not have a known date. Where you must include a date is in the retrieval statement. This is because this source is subject to change.

In-text citation

(Mergent, Inc., n.d.)

More than one entry with same author and source

More than one entry for the same company; requires the use of letters. a, b, c.

First alphabetize your reference entries, then assign a, b, c, etc. next to where the date is listed. If you have a year of publication place the letter directly behind the year (2020a). However if there is an entry with no date (n.d.), use a hyphen before the use of the letter (n.d. -a). 

Mergent, Inc. (n.d.-a). Tesla, Inc.: Company details. Retrieved October 16, 2020 from

Mergent, Inc. (n.d.-b). Tesla, Inc. [Ownership]. Retrieved October 21, 2020 from

In-text citation - use the entry that points your reader to the correct report/source.

(Mergent, Inc., n.d -a.). 

(For more on this see the APA style blog)