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BUS 442 Business Strategy (Lerchbacker)

Guide for students who are researching for their Business Strategy Cources

GlobalEDGE (Michigan University Website)

Resource covered in Library Orientation

From this resource you should have been able to identify criterion for evaluating a country for export.

Try one of the ways to gain insights on a country. 

Trade Bloc 
Economic Classification

Mergent Online (Library Database)

To locate a Country Profile,

Select Advanced search

Use the dropdown to select a country (right top of the screen)

Mergent menu with advanced tab selected and highlight on country profile dropdown box top left 

World Factbook (by CIA)

Worldfactbook menu with dropdown to select a country

Use the drop down to select a country that you wish to learn more about. 

Challenge Question: How Much Coastline does Brazil have?

Nation Master (website)