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MGMT 461 Management in different cultures (Ometto)

Course Guide MGMT 461 Management in Different Cultures

Image of diverse peoples

Pixabay image of diverse peoples by Geralt. Used under (CC0); image resized from original.

This guide is intended to help you as you learn more about management in different cultures. Find here information on a range of topics covered in this course from cross cultural communication, global management, international business, and working in cross cultural teams. 

As you work with your X-Culture "virtual" teams and projects, remember that information is contextual. The research you conduct and contribute more than likely come from a Western individualistic perspective. Information from other cultures will differ in perspective. Each contributing member of your virtual team comes to the experience with their own ideas, beliefs, experiences, knowledge and more. Keep this in mind as you engage with your cross cultural team members. Engage respectfully and learn from this cross cultural virtual team experience. 


Library Workshop

Librarian research session

October 18, 2021 

Available Day of the session:

Visit use this code to participate Go to and use the code 2383 7724 

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Link to Survey of Librarian instruction AFTER the session