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Submitting your Thesis or Project to the Library

This guide contains all of the information that you will need to submit your thesis, project, or dissertation to the library.

Signature Page Templates

Each thesis and project will have a departmental signature page as the first page. For your convenience, the library will insert the signature page for you during the ADA formatting. If you would like to do it yourself, the templates are Word documents so that you can add in your name, the title of your thesis or project, and the names of your committee members. We’ve created the templates with four lines for committee members, but they are editable. If you only have two or three committee members, please delete the extra lines. The unsigned departmental signature page should be the very first page of your thesis or project, even coming before your title page.  

For group projects: all of the group members’ names should be on one signature page. Please contact Carmen Mitchell if you have any questions about the Departmental Signature Page. 

Signed signature pages are for department use only.