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Music about Black lives, the BLM Movement, and racism. Some of the content in these videos is intense and graphic, and viewer discretion is advised.
From its roots as an online rallying call protesting police shootings of young people of color, Black Lives Matter is a vibrant social justice movement with global reach. Co-founder Alicia Garza shares the story of transforming a Twitter hashtag into real-life activism. This event positions the Black Lives Matter movement within its larger political, social and cultural landscape, and how it amplifies the ways everyday people can most effectively enact social change. Co-sponsored by the University Library, Dean of Students, Office of Undergraduate Studies, College of Education, Health & Human Services, Department of Sociology, Department of Social Sciences, College of Humanities, Arts, Behavioral and Social Sciences.
Centering Eric Garner's case, this documentary welcomes dialogue around racial inequality, policing, and the Criminal Justice System.
Rinku Sen interviews Patrisse Khan Cullors, Co-founder, Black Lives Matter; Founder and Board Member, Dignity and Power Now.
This documentary explores why so many unarmed people of color have been shot and killed by police officers. Local activists, legal experts, and police officers all weigh in, delving into ongoing charges of inequality, unfair practices, and politicized manipulations of America's judicial system.
Arresting Power documents the history of conflict between the Portland police and community members throughout the past fifty years. The film features personal stories of resistance told by victims of police misconduct, the families of people who were killed by police, members of Portland's reform and abolition movements.
"I AM NOT YOUR NEGRO" is a journey into black history that connects the past of the Civil Rights Movement to the present of #BlackLivesMatter. It is a film that questions black representation in Hollywood and beyond.
We All We Got captures the poetic language of the streets: police helicopters flying over the city, music popping out of cars, people talking shit on the street corners, ambulances on the run, and preachers hollering for the violence to stop after another young man is senselessly gunned down in the streets of Chicago.
"White Like Me" explores race and racism in the United States through the lens of whiteness and white privilege. Anti-racist educator, Tim Wise, discusses the race-based white entitlement programs that built the American middle class, and argues that our failure as a society to come to terms with this legacy of white privilege continues to perpetuate racial inequality.
In Part One, bell hooks discusses the theoretical foundations and positions that inform her work (such as the motives behind representations, as well as their power in social and cultural life). bell hooks also explains why she insists on using the phrase "white supremacist capitalist patriarchy" to describe the interlocking systems of domination that define our reality. In Part Two, she demonstrates the value of cultural studies in concrete analysis through such subjects as the OJ Simpson case, Madonna, Spike Lee, and Gangsta rap. The aim of cultural analysis, she argues, should be the production of enlightened witnesses - audiences who engaged with the representations of cultural life knowledgeably and vigilantly.
The first documentary to explore the role of photography in shaping the identity, aspirations and social emergence of African Americans from slavery to the present, THROUGH A LENS DARKLY probes the recesses of American history by discovering images that have been suppressed, forgotten and lost. Bringing to light the hidden and unknown photos shot by both professional and vernacular African American photographers, the film opens a window into lives, experiences and perspectives of black families that is absent from the traditional historical canon. These images show a much more complex and nuanced view of American culture and society and its founding ideals.
FUNDI: THE STORY OF ELLA BAKER reveals the instrumental role that Ella Baker, a friend and advisor to Martin Luther King, played in shaping the American civil rights movement. The dynamic activist was affectionately known as the Fundi, a Swahili word for a person who passes skills from one generation to another. By looking at the 1960s from the perspective of Baker, the 'godmother of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee,' FUNDI adds an essential understanding of the U.S. civil rights movement.
Married in Washington, D.C. on June 2, 1958, Richard Loving and Mildred Jeter returned home to Virginia where their marriage was declared illegal-he was white, and she was black and Native American. At the time, anti-miscegenation laws were upheld in 16 states. The Lovings refused to leave one another and, with the help of the American Civil Liberties Union, took their case to the courts.