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BUS 444 Strategic Management in Global Environments

Course Guide for those enrolled in Bus 444

Scholarly Sources and Search Tips

Image shows processes of article evaluation Stop, Investigate, find better or alternative coverage, trace claims to their source

Just because an article is published does not mean it is quality. Many spaces on the web are spaces where questionable information can and is published, waiting for "information consumers."  

  1. STOP 
  2. Investigate 

  3. Find better or other coverage

  4. tace back to the source; see original content 

WOOPS- Examples of sources that do not meet the mark. 

Open up one and see if you can see where these might not “meet the mark.”

Do NOT use sources of this nature: sites like this are not credible, authoritative, unlike content from premium library subscription databases!


Tips Examples
Use keywords, not long search phrases

Instead of searching for "How is legislation impacting the production of electric vehicles?

break down your search into the main keywords:

legislation, impact, production, Electric vehicles

Use quotation marks (" ") to keep phrases together

Use AND to combine different keywords

legislation AND "electric vehicles"
Use OR to combine similar/associated keywords (EV OR "electric vehicles")
Look for ways to limit your search in the database You can often limit by type of article (scholarly and peer-reviewed), year of publicationsubject 


Global Business News

The library has electronic access to business news and journals. Make sure to always log-in to the library for full access.

Visit the library's News & Newspapers Research Guide

Databases providing Business News sources: