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MGMT 415 Intro to HR Management (Towns)


Keyword search or use NAICS code (IBISWorld Reports uses 5 digits of a 6 digit NAICS code).

Reports beginning with OD - are "specialized reports," often they cover a smaller section of an industry.

Some industries will provide 5 digits of a NAICS code plus a letter, for example 51121e- Video Game Software Publishing in the US 

Screenshot of basec search bar for IBISWorld

Official Help from IBISWorld - Must be logged into the library to view information

Industry Research Reports (Video and information of sections)

IBISWorld Help Center (Official)  

FirstResearch (by Mergent)

NOTE: To get to the database click to enter and then, Continue, Continue, Submit.

Screenshot of FirstResearch by Mergent's keyword search bar

Keyword search or use 2, 4, or 6 digit NAICS code to locate industry reports.

Database provides ability to view: executive insights, critical issues, industry opportunities, and more.

Meeting with a stakeholder? Check out the "Call Prep questions" which help start conversations with different stakeholders (CEO, COO, CFO).
Diving deeper into the industry check out the Websites section: Provides a robust list of industry related associations, organizations, and publications. 

ABI/INFORM Complete (by Proquest)

Use the BROWSE tab for publications on industry, commodities, and countries reports. Among the potential useful reports are:

ABI/Inform top menu with a circle around the Browse feature

BMI Country Industry reports
BMI Global Oil Market Reports
BMI Industry Insight Reports
BMI Risk Reports

Looking for more on how to use this and other ProQuest databases visit the following Course Guide. Listed on here are PPTX slides, recorded learning modules, sample searches, etc. 

Proquest LibGuide for the ABI/Inform Collection

Business Source Premier

Contains Marketline Reports with global coverage. Each report contains statistics on industry market value, forecast, and market segmentation, competition and leading companies. Note: Page attention to dates, currency as some reports could be older.

Interface for Business Source Premier with arrows showing browsing reports OR basic keywroding

To access the help information, and tutorials below you must be logged into the library. 

Business Searching Help from EBSCOhost (official)

Business Source Advances Search Features (video & PPT)


Navigate the top level menu to Companies/Markets and use the dropdown to Industry. Click on major headings (covers large industries) for a one page industry snapshot. From Industry pane see companies, subjects, regions, and news. You can also use the search builder to locate news on an industry.

Mergent Online

Go to the Report Search Tab to get to the Industry Reports. Use for MAJOR industries only. Provides Global Coverage. Useful for PUBLICALY traded companies. Search for broad industry name.

Local Industry Resources [Websites]

Market Research Resources [Library]

Looking for Financial Analysis 

Census - Business & Economy [Website]