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MGMT 415 Intro to HR Management (Towns)

Annual Report

Example of an entry for a corporate annual report from a company's website.

Netflix, Inc. (2019, Dec. 31). Form 10-K. Retrieved from

Example of an entry for a corporate annual report from (EDGAR)

Netflix, Inc. (2019, Dec. 31). Form 10-K. Retrieved from

Image of form 10-q for Netflix, Inc

Industry Report (IBISWorld)

IBISWorld Industry Report

Image of an industry report in IBISWorld

Reference Entry
Cook, D. (2020, September). Video game software publishing in the US (51121E). [US industry report]. Retrieved from 

In-text citation (w/out a page number)

(Cook, 2020)

NOTE: If you are directly quoting from this source include the page number; easily obtained from the PDF of the report. 

In-text citation (with a page number)

(Cook, 2020, p. 36)


Mergent Online

Screenshot of top level menu to a company report from Mergent Online

Reference Entry for a Company
Mergent, Inc. (n.d.). Tesla, Inc.: Company details. Retrieved October 16, 2020 from

Note: (n.d.) represents no date. Reports pulled from this source do not have a known date. Where you must include a date is in the retrieval statement. This is because this source is subject to change.

In-text citation

(Mergent, Inc., n.d.)

Reference Entry for a section of a company report
Mergent, Inc. (n.d.). Tesla, Inc. [Ownership]. Retrieved October 21, 2020 from

Note: (n.d.) represents no date. Reports pulled from this source do not have a known date. Where you must include a date is in the retrieval statement. This is because this source is subject to change.

In-text citation

(Mergent, Inc., n.d.)

More than one entry with same author and source

More than one entry for the same company; requires the use of letters. a, b, c.

First alphabetize your reference entries, then assign a, b, c, etc. next to where the date is listed. If you have a year of publication place the letter directly behind the year (2020a). However if there is an entry with no date (n.d.), use a hyphen before the use of the letter (n.d. -a). 

Mergent, Inc. (n.d.-a). Tesla, Inc.: Company details. Retrieved October 16, 2020 from

Mergent, Inc. (n.d.-b). Tesla, Inc. [Ownership]. Retrieved October 21, 2020 from

In-text citation - use the entry that points your reader to the correct report/source.

(Mergent, Inc., n.d -a.). 

(For more on this see the APA style blog)