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Science Writing

This guide will help you with your science writing needs

What is the Peer Review Process?

What is peer review?

The peer review process is a system in science publishing that has two main purposes (Kelly et al, 2014):

  1. To ensure the validitysignificance, and originality of published research
  2. To improve the quality of accepted manuscripts before they get published

Almost all of the published research you will use in the sciences will have undergone the peer review process. There are different types of peer review; you can go to a journal's About page to learn which kind it uses. 

Learn more about the peer review process

What sort of review will my paper go through if I submit it to Cougar JUGR?

In Cougar JUGR, we use an editorial review process. This means if you submit an article, it will be reviewed by a faculty editor but will not undergo traditional peer review. You can learn more about the review process on the Cougar JUGR submissions guide