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Business Research

This guide is an introduction for conducting research on business topics.

eBook Collections for Business

E-book collections, most useful for business

  • Hover over the i icon to read more about eBook titles in each collection. 

Selected Business e-book titles

Cover image of eBook title Use Your Difference to Make a Difference

Use Your Difference to Make a Difference

Intercultural Communication title written by Tayo Rockson. This title covers important concepts of "Educate" oneself (biases, prejudices, values, how to become an active listener, thinking), of "Don't Perpetuate" (areas covered here are: don't perpetuate systems, identity, privilege, etc.), "Instead Communicate", (areas covered here are: acknowledging differences,  finding shared meaning, receiving feedback, cultural awareness, and more). 

Cover of ebook titled  Work together anywhere: a handbook on working remotely successfully : for individuals, teams & managers

Work together anywhere: a handbook on working remotely successfully : for individuals, teams & managers

Section IV covers Successful Remote Teams. Within this section chapter 9 covers, collectively deciding on "tools, processes, and protocols to use; then document in a team agreement the expectations and etiquette of the work culture." (Source: Work Together Anywhere:). Author is Lisette Sutherland

Image of Analysis without paralysis: 12 tools to make better strategic decisions

Analysis without paralysis: 12 tools to make better strategic decisions

Covers Five Forces, PEST/STEEP, SWOT analysis


Cover image of Erasing Institutional Bias

Erasing Institutional Bias

"Building upon the revelatory power of her book Overcoming Bias, which addressed managing individual and interpersonal bias, Erasing Institutional Bias scales up the framework to impact systemic change in organizations. Jana and coauthor Ashley Diaz Mejias bring together in-depth research on how biases become embedded into workplace cultures with practical and engaging tools that will mobilize readers toward action. They confront specific topics such as racism, sexism, hiring and advancement bias and retribution bias, meaning when organizations develop a culture of aggression, and offer solutions for identifying and controlling them.

This book urges readers to ask questions such as, “Are we attempting to create systems in which all people can thrive? What kind of world and what kind of workplaces are we cultivating?” These questions, the authors say, must first be answered by ourselves, recognizing our own role in perpetuating harmful biases that come to define institutions." Source; Publisher

Cover of  Short Introduction to Strategic Management

Short Introduction to Strategic Management

Discussed internal analysis, external analysis, SWOT, PEST, PESTLE, Five Forces 

Image of book cover titled American Indian business : principles and practices

American Indian business : principles and practices


"Although there are business programs at nearly 40 tribal colleges and universities, and courses focused on American Indian business practices at additional institutions, no reader or textbook exists for use in these courses. The editors of and co-authors of this proposed volume seek to help business school graduates work more effectively both with and within American Indian communities. Taken together, the essays will help create greater awareness of tribal economies and organizations and their relationship with the dominant culture, facilitate cross-cultural dialogue and understanding, and build public policies that enhance economic self-sufficiency and cultural integrity. Chapters include the following: history of American Indian business; economic sustainability, self-determination, and sovereignty; organization and management; marketing; leadership; human resource management; tribal finance; business strategy; American Indian business law; tribal gaming operations; economic development; entrepreneurship; technology and data management; business ethics; service management; taxation; accounting; and healthcare management."--Source publisher

Selected e-books of import/export/globalization

Cover of  Short Introduction to Strategic Management

Short Introduction to Strategic Management

Discussed internal analysis, external analysis, SWOT, PEST, PESTLE, Five Forces 

Cover image of  How strong is your firm's competitive advantage?

How strong is your firm's competitive advantage?

Porter's Five Forces is covered in this title. 

Cover image of 25 Need-to-Know Strategy Tools

25 Need-to-Know Strategy Tools

Covers Porter's five forces (Chpt 6)