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Selected Streaming Business Media

Image shows speaker for video Cryptocurrency and Blockchain

Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Segment 1 (03:45)

Cryptocurrency and Blockchain, Segment 1, run time 03:45 mins. New technologies often encounter skepticism and resistance. Pantera Capital Founder Dan Morehead discusses industry evolution, volatility, portfolios, and scalability. (Source: FOD)

Beginning image of streaming The Federal Reserve—Economics U$A: 21st Century Edition

The Federal Reserve—Economics U$A: 21st Century Edition

The Federal Reserve was originally created in 1913 as an emergency lender to banks— a sort of bank of last resort. The Banking Act of 1935 and the Fed Accord of 1951 broadened the powers of the Fed, widening the range of options and tools it could use to manage the economy. Up to about 2010, the Fed did fairly well. But the housing bubble and Great Recession provided it with new and substantial challenges. These stories showcase the Fed's capabilities while exploring how responsibilities and challenges have expanded over the years. Source: FOD

Main image for Video Series titles Strategic Tools for Business

Strategic Tools for Business (series)

How do businesses make important decisions? This series introduces four analytical tools that businesses use to evaluate factors in their environment and make strategic plans. Ideal for business students at a senior secondary level and beyond. Four videos cover the following Lewin's force field analysis, PESTLE analysis, Porter's Generic Strategies, SWOT Analysis 


Cover image for video - TEDTalks: Markus Mutz—How Supply Chain Transparency Can Help the Planet

TEDTalks: Markus Mutz—How Supply Chain Transparency Can Help the Planet

Given the option, few would choose to buy products that harm the earth -- yet it's nearly impossible to know how most consumer goods are made or where they're sourced from. That's about to change, says supply chain innovator Markus Mutz. He shares how he used blockchain technology to track Patagonian toothfish on their journey from ocean to dinner plate -- and proved it's possible to offer consumers a product they can trust.

Researching Global Markets: Business Without Borders

Your product is set to go worldwide, but what if it doesn’t have global appeal? Going global in business requires thorough research into demographics, culture and religion, politics, economics and law to identify viable international markets and suitable marketing strategies. In this program, experts Kathleen Griffiths (RMIT) and Simon Kanat (Ted Baker Downunder) explore key areas to consider when identifying global markets.


Cover image for streaming video TEDTalks: Fang Ruan—Management Lessons from Chinese Business and Philosophy

TEDTalks: Fang Ruan—Management Lessons from Chinese Business and Philosophy

Business management in China is changing, says consultant Fang Ruan. Learn how Chinese entrepreneurs -- long guided by Confucianism's emphasis on authority and regulation -- are now looking to Taoist philosophy for a new, dynamic leadership style that believes things spontaneously transform and naturally achieve perfection when they're supported, not controlled.



Ratio Analysis: Business Financial Essentials

You can't build a house without the right measuring tools to ensure that the structure is sound and won't collapse: tape measures, protractors and levels are used to tell construction workers and architects how much material is needed and where everything goes. In the business world, the measuring tools are called financial ratios, and they help you evaluate a financial statement. By learning how to calculate and analyze specific ratios, you can evaluate trends, determine how healthy a business is, and have key indicators as to how the business is performing. They also allow you to make financial comparisons between companies. This video covers the ratios most commonly used to analyze a business.


Ratio Analysis Overview (3:03) -- Current Ratio (2:54) -- Quick Ratio (1:32) -- Inventory Turnover Ratio (2:21) -- Debt to Equity Ratio (2:23) -- Return on Equity Ratio (1:50) -- Net Profit Margin Ratio (1:53) -- Ratio Analysis Summary (1:37) -- Credits: Ratio Analysis: Business Finance Essentials (1:03)

Start up (Series of 13 streaming titles)

We All We Got captures the poetic language of the streets: police helicopters flying over the city, music popping out of cars, people talking shit on the street corners, ambulances on the run, and preachers hollering for the violence to stop after another young man is senselessly gunned down in the streets of Chicago.