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FIN 331 Magemeneas

Scholarly Sources and Search Tips

screenshot of ABI/inform advanced search bar

screenshot of advanced search feature in business source premier

Screenshot of search builder in Factiva arrow shows date range defaults to most recent 3 months

Screenshot of emerald advanced search features

Screenshot of ScienceDirect advanced search bar

screenshot of Google Scholar @ CSUSM search bar


Tips Examples
Use keywords, not long search phrases

Instead of searching for "How is blockchain impacting financial markets?"

break down your search into the main keywords:

blockchain, impact, financial markets

Use quotation marks (" ") to keep phrases together

Use AND to combine different keywords

"blockchain technology" AND "financial markets"
Use OR to combine similar/associated keywords (blockchain OR "digital ledger")
Look for ways to limit your search in the database You can often limit by type of article (scholarly and peer-reviewed), year of publicationsubject