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Business - Company Research

Locating news articles surrounding your company


Tips Examples
Use keywords, not long search phrases

Instead of searching for "How is Peloton's branding selling a lifestyle?" break down your search into the main keywords:

Peloton, branding, Selling, Lifestyle

Use quotation marks (" ") to keep phrases together

Use AND to combine different keywords

Peloton AND "smart gym"
Use OR to combine similar/associated keywords lifestyle OR "health conscious"
Look for ways to limit your search in the database You can often limit by type of article (scholarly and peer-reviewed), year of publicationsubject 


Key Sources for diving deeper on articles surrounding your company

Create a search strategy to learn more information about a company and news surrounding it.

Advanced search screen for ABI/Inform

Create a search strategy to learn more information about a company and the news surrounding it. 

Image of advanced search screen in Business Source Premier

Craft a search strategy in the search builder. Note: A change of date is usually needed as the default searches for the most current three months.

Image of Factiva's search builder