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Entrepreneurship Research Guide

Competitors in a Geographic Region

Trying to identify other businesses within the same industry and in a geographic area?

  1. Click on the search under U. S. Businesses

Image of database showing circle on search U.S. Businesses

  1. From here click on the advanced tab, this opens more options for searching.
    Image of dataaxle database highlighting advanced search tab
  2. Click on the option for business type. Check the Keyword, SIC, NAICS option.
    Image of dataaxle screen for advanced search for US Businesses highlighting business type
  3.  Change the "Radio Button," from the default to "Search all NAICS."

  1. Enter a known 2, 4, or 6 digit NAICS code, or type a keyword to identify choices.
    Image of advanced US Business search showing need to select a NAICS code
  2. To select an industry to run a report, you need to "click" on it to select it. This moves
    your "section" into the selected box below. Now move to the geography options.

    Image of advanced US Business search with highlight on geography
  3. On the left-hand side select a geography. This example shows county as a selection.
    Image of advanced US Business search with geography and options for state and county
  4. With the County being the selected Geography, continue to complete and select options.
    State is selected and then county; for example San Diego.

    Image of advanced US Business Search with variables selected, Click view results to generate list
  5. Run the list by clicking on the green "view results" button, top right of database.