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If you have any questions about CALM, would like to get started CALMing your course, have CALMed your course and want to let us know, or want to get involved in CSUSM affordable learning initiatives, please reach out to the CALM Team.
The Cougars Affordable Learning Materials Project (CALM) is part of the CSU Affordable Learning Solutions initiative started in 2010. CALM aims to aid faculty in replacing costly textbooks with lower cost alternatives by using high-quality open educational resources (OER), library materials, digital or customized textbooks, and/or faculty-authored materials. As of fall 2023, participating faculty have saved our students over 11.6 MILLION DOLLARS by adopting open or lower-cost course materials!
What is CALM?
CALM, which stands for Cougars Affordable Learning Solutions, is CSUSM's Affordable Learning Solutions (AL$) program. This program encourages CSUSM faculty to utilize low- to no-cost accessible textbooks for their courses rather than the expensive alternatives, meaning CSUSM students and faculty can spend less money on textbooks through greater access to quality free and low cost learning materials!
Why Should I CALM My Course? (Faculty)
Many of our students are struggling to make ends meet, juggling work and family responsibilities in addition to their course load. Anything we can do to help reduce the cost of their education will support their well-being and academic success. Your participation is essential to the success of this effort.
Why Should I Take a CALMed Course? (Students)
Taking a course that has been CALMed helps reduce the cost of your education will supports your well-being and academic success. The faculty members that CALM their course have taken the time and effort it takes to locate low or no cost materials that will provide you with the resources you need to succeed at a rate that is significantly lower than the average textbook.
CALM Goals
CALM Strategies
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