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The Cougars Affordable Learning Materials Program (CALM) is part of the CSU Affordable Learning Solutions initiative started in 2010. CALM aims to aid faculty in replacing costly textbooks with lower cost alternatives by using high-quality, open education

Faculty Check List

Do you want to reduce course costs for your students? Are you looking to incorporate open educational materials but don't know where to start?

This resource is designed to assist faculty in reducing the cost of course materials for students while maintaining high-quality educational content. By exploring affordable alternatives such as Open Educational Resources (OER), Open Access (OA) materials, and library-licensed resources through the CALM program, you can make a significant impact on student success. Additionally, this check list provides step-by-step instructions on setting up and ensuring student access to Library Reserves, making essential course materials readily available to all. 

Step 1: Review Current Course Materials

Identify opportunities to replace high-cost textbooks with low- or no-cost alternatives.

  • Evaluate the current textbooks and materials used in your courses.
  • Identify high-cost items that can be replaced with affordable options.
  • Consider the educational impact of replacing these materials.

🔍 Need help reviewing your course materials? CALM staff can assist you in identifying suitable alternatives. Email us!

Step 2: Explore CALM Resources

Utilize available Library resources to find affordable learning materials.

  • Open Educational Resources (OER) guide: Search for free, openly licensed educational materials. 
  • Open Access (OA) Materials guide: Use freely accessible scholarly articles and resources.
  • Library-Licensed Materials: Access materials the library has already licensed for use.
  • CALM Program: Utilize the resources and support provided by the CALM program.

🔍Need help identifying library materials? CALM staff can guide you to the right place! Email us!

Step 3: Set Up Library Reserves

Ensure course materials are accessible to all students by adding new materials to Library Reserves.

  • Reference the Library Reserves Instructor Manual for detailed instructions on how to add materials.
  • Ensure all necessary materials are included and accessible through Canvas.
  • Coordinate with the Library Reserves staff to manage materials.

❓Have questions about Library Reserves? Visit our Managing your Library Reserves guide to get more info or email

Step 4: Ensure Student Access to Library Reserve Materials

Make sure students can easily find and use library reserves materials.