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The Cougars Affordable Learning Materials Program (CALM) is part of the CSU Affordable Learning Solutions initiative started in 2010. CALM aims to aid faculty in replacing costly textbooks with lower cost alternatives by using high-quality, open education

Unlimited User Library Ebooks

Interested in using library ebooks for your course? 

The University Library has a vast ebook collection covering a multitude of subjects. We have compiled a list of unlimited user ebooks that have been used in courses for you to explore if you are interested in switching your course materials to either reduce course costs of become zero-cost. If you find an ebook you'd like to use for your course, please email to get it added to a Library Reserves list for your course! 

Unlimited user ebooks allow ALL students to access the ebook simultaneously. For more information on ebook licenses, visit the Finding Library ebooks guide. 

Ebooks by Colleges:

If your ebook is not listed on these pages, please email to add it.