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Chemistry and Biochemistry

This guide will help you get started with your Chemistry and Biochemistry Research

Streaming Media from CSUSM Library

Chemistry of Everyday Life

The Chemistry in Everyday Life

"Chemistry is not all about books full of equations or experiments in a laboratory full of glass tubes. You experience chemistry far more than you might imagine. How does chemistry come into play in our everyday lives? How do plants and animals use chemistry for survival? This program will answer these questions and more! Plus, explore the chemistry of food, paints, sunblock, emulsion photography, photosynthesis, and even love. Be prepared to discover that life is pure chemistry!"

Green Chemistry

How Is Science Being Used to Green Up the Field of Industrial Chemistry? Ever Wondered?

"Chemistry is how science investigates what makes the world around us. It’s every piece of matter, every molecule. So how are top scientists in New Zealand contributing to this vast pool of knowledge? This episode visits with Scion research institute’s Jeremy Warnes, who is trying to replace petrochemicals with green chemistry. One area Scion is focusing on is coming up with an eco-friendly alternative to polystyrene. In one of the Scion labs, host John Watt gets a crash course in how to create a polystyrene replacement using a bio-plastic made from corn. Original title: Chemistry. A part of Ever Wondered? (Series 2). (22 minutes)"

Exploding volcano

Mysteries of Matter: Chemistry and the Elements, from Hennig Brandt to Humphry Davy

"Until the 17th century, the building blocks of the natural world were a mystery. Of elements there were believed to be four—air, earth, fire, and water—and the science of chemistry had yet to be born. This program identifies some of the first chemical elements to be discovered by spotlighting the work of Hennig Brandt, Robert Boyle, Henry Cavendish, Joseph Priestly, Antoine Lavoisier, and Humphry Davy. Experiments re-created in the video include Brandt’s isolation of phosphorus from urine, Cavendish’s isolation of hydrogen from zinc and hydrochloric acid, Lavoisier’s isolation of oxygen from mercuric oxide, Davy’s isolation of potassium from potash, and more. Johann Becher’s Phlogiston Theory—arguably the most colossal error in chemistry history—is discussed as well. Original BBC broadcast title: Mysteries of Matter. A part of the series Elements: Making Sense of Matter. (51 minutes) A BBC Production."

The Energy in Chemical Reactions

The Energy in Chemical Reactions: Chemistry: Challenges and Solutions

"Many chemical reactions involve explosions, bubbling gases, flames, and smoke because energy is being transferred from one form to another—the realm of thermodynamics. Thermodynamics, the rules for predicting the progress of a reaction and harnessing the energy released, is key to solving engineering problems, such as making cleaner and more efficient automobile engines."

Better wine through chemistry

Better Wine Through Chemistry

"The single most important step to making a good wine is fermentation, which is what gives wine its particular taste and alcohol content. Winemakers add yeast—a single-celled fungus—to grape juice, and if all goes well the yeasts rapidly multiply, crowding out other microbes and allowing fermentation to complete in two to three weeks. But sometimes, the yeasts get stuck and don’t fully ferment—a problem that has plagued the wine industry for centuries. Now a team of geneticists and biotechnologists have discovered what triggers "stuck" fermentation, and are bringing winemakers one step closer to perfecting the winemaking process."

Online Videos

There are a number of freely available channels that provide reputable chemistry and science videos. Tip: Try searching YouTube or Vimeo by the title of your favorite journal publication to see if that journal also produces a streaming media channel. 


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The Journal of Visualized Experiments provides access to Research and Education videos. Browse their collection to enhance your understanding of scientific methods, concepts, and processes.