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BUS 302 Course Guide (McDonald, Lerchbacker, Palumbo)

IBISWorld (Global Emphasis)

IBISWorld Interface showing need to select industry research and then Global from left hand menu

Business Source Premier

Note: under the Browse are Country Reports, Industry profiles (both US and Global)

Business Source Premier search bar highlight on browse below search bar

ABI Inform (databases)

Click BROWSE to view Featured Content

Top level menu for ABIinform database highlighting browse

Scroll down to BROWSE reports from: 

EIU country data, EIU country finance & forecast reports, EIU viewswire, Oxford Economics by country and Ofxord economics country economic forecast. 

Content of particular interest in this database:

BMI Industry Reports 

Browse BMI reports by subject or location

Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU ViewWire)

Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) content link for searching by subject, location, or date

Oxford Economics by Country Industry Forecast


Use the top menu to select Company/Markets then select Company

Company snapshot, using the smart lookup feature for a company name.

Use the top menu for Companies/Market, then select Industry 

Mergent Online

Mergent provides ability to search for International companies that are currently traded on exchanges (international). 

Search by Mergent Industry Code, and Country to identify companies in that industry.

Mergent Classification search using MIC code and a county

Search International Company Database (Active) option requires a company name or symbol.

International company database search highlighted required to enter company name or symbol

Industry Analysis Reports for 20 of the largest Global Industries. 

Uses Industry Classification Benchmark (ICB), a "globally utilized standard for the categorization and comparison of companies by industry and sector. Read more on the ICB Benchmark