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BA 680/ BA 685: Business Intelligence Master's Project

Course guide of resources often used for Business Intelligence Projects

Company Information

Listed below are Library Subscription Databases that are utilized for Company Research. If you need assistance with researching in this area reach out to the Business & Economics Librarian, Judy Opdahl, at


Screenshot of Factiva company snapshot menu enter name or ticker number for report


Mergent Online Company search menu highlighted


To locate information on a Company:

Use the check box to select your choice of Publicly traded companies (USA or International)

Then enter company name or symbol (ticker)

IF the company is a large private, then use the D & B 

Enter company name

submenu for mergent online for company

Hoover's Company Records

Screenshot of search boxes to locate reports by entering keywords OR by using the browse company

Business Source Premier

Screenshot of keyword entry box for business source premier database

ABI/INFORM Complete (by Proquest)

advanced search menu shown for ABI/Inform