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BA 680/ BA 685: Business Intelligence Master's Project

Course guide of resources often used for Business Intelligence Projects

Segmentation, Targeting

Marketing Plan:  Segmentation, Targeting

Segmentation and Targeting.   You can use the market attributes you started with to go into more depth into your target market.   There are sophisticated market research analysis tools that use extensive demographic and lifestyle survey data and combine that with maps to visually show relationships that help marketers.

ESRI GIS Community Analyst (subscription database)

Students can sign on with their campus credentials.- See box below for specifics to log-in

Campus IITS helps with this resource: GIS Lab Information

Seeking Help with ESRI contact: Michelle Kinzel email for support 

Passport by Euromonitor 
Expert market analysis and statistics on consumer products and services for most countries.

ESRI's Community Analyst / Business Analyst

There are a series of steps to complete before accessing the software.

Official log-in information from IITS 

  1. At the sign in screen you may need to change the sign-in box" if there is no blue single-sign on button (shown in image #2), follow steps 1-4 below
  2. To change the "Your ArcGIS organization's URL" Type in csusm-gis-lab
  3. Select the box to remember this URL
  4. Click the blue continue button to be prompted for credentials

User Interface for ESRI showing sign in page

  1. You will be prompted for your single sign on credentials for CSUSM. Click the blue log in button to launch into the software.

ARC GIS interface showing single sign on protocol

Image below shows a zip code with household income. There are many variables that can be added to a map. This is just an example

Seeking help with Community Analyst - email Michele Kinzel at OR use the Community Analyst Help page 

Interface for Community Analyst