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Census Business Builder (CBB) 5.0 is the most recent version of CBB.
PDF flier on CBB from the Census
You can start with a location and then add variables.
What do you want to learn about your area?
At the top of the interface select your variables
Example below shows industry and two variables selected.
Underneath the dashboard you can Select “create report”
The Legend (bottom right can open and close)
This source is good for Consumer Products!
Provides Mega Trends that are going on in specific industries. These trends often are on target and represent where your product should be going.
Both Interfaces will have ESRI Demographics
ESRI Demographics See data source, available geographies and years and methodologies. US and Other countries.
Sectors for the US include: ESRI updated demographics, Census and ACS, Tapestry Segmentation, Consumer Spending, Market Potential, Retail MarketPlace, Business Data, Major Shopping Center, Traffic Counts.
Available geographics: Census designations, and DMA (Designated Market Areas) based on Nielsen Media Research.
Consumer Spending: 20 categories with data derived from Bureau of Labor Consumer Expenditure Surveys
Market Potential: 35 categories of products and services derived from GfK MRI
Retail MarketPlace: Retail sales by industry (NAIC) and measures supply and demand.
Business Location Data: By SIC/NAIC industry; annual sales, employees and other. Compiled from InfoGroup. Use for site or competitor analysis, day or evening hiring by industry, match to business inventory statistics.
Major Shopping: Location and data on major shopping center.
Traffic Counts: Daily volume and changes.
Seeking assistance with ARC GIS or Community Analyst -
Michele Kinzel
GIS Instructional DeveloperIITS Academic Technology Services - Instructional Developmt Svcs