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ENTR 320

Resources of interest to students enrolled in Entrepreneurship

Regulations are a part of every entreprise

Regulatory impact: Products, services, and suppliers are subject to a range of rules, policies, processes, etc.

You may be subject to a range of rules and policies from federal, state, and local (City, County, Municipality, etc).

Where begin to identify some of the regulators that may impact you

  • Review your industry report (each of you should have located one) – there is often a section on regulators and their impact. Some industries are HIGHLY regulated.
  • Key Associations/Organizations will often track regulations which impact their businesses.

Tip: Look for their advocacy page. This often reveals current issues/legislation/policies/rules that are impacting the industry.

            Tip: Look for a section called reports or library. Did the organization create its own report/research on the impact of a regulation?


Additional places to search for regulators:

Google Search that shows "Plant based Meat" this allows google to be a search engine for a named website


  • Regular Google Search with a .gov limiter [TRY this one in Class]

Shows use of Google using the limiter to domain

Use the library’s OneSearch to find an article:

Shows OneSearch interface used on the library's homepage to find articles on regulators