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American Medical Society (ACS)

  • Online access to the ACS Style Guide

    The online version of the ACS Style Guide can be found through the ACS Publications portal. Click on the link for "Publications" at the top right of the page and navigate to the "ACS Guide to Scholarly Communications."

ACS Publications Website with a red box around Publications ACS Publications list of publications with a red box around ACS Guide to Scholarly Communication

ACS stands for the American Chemical Society. It is the citation style most commonly used in the field of chemistry.

  • The most current version (3rd edition) of The ACS Style Guide: Effective Communication of Scientific Information was published in 2006.

Helpful Online Guides

Quick Guide by CSUSM Librarians 

  • A concise ACS style guide with examples, based directly on the official ACS manual.

ACS Citation Guide (University of Southern California Library)

  • Guide with examples to the most commonly cited items in ACS style.

CiteSource ACS (Trinity College)

  • Examples accompanied by helpful screenshots and pictures showing you how to locate the information you need to include in your citation.

ACS Style Guide (Williams College Libraries)

  • Examples to the most commonly cited items in ACS style.

ACS Style Guidelines (University of Wisconsin-Madison Chemistry Library)

  • Examples to the most commonly cited items in ACS style. Select the item you are trying to cite from the left-hand menu.