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FYBLC GEL 101 Library Module

GEL 101 Guide for students enrolled in the First Year Business Learning Cohort (FYBLC)

Counties and Cities

Official County Websites.

You will also need to identify and research a city from one of the counties listed [in links below].

Tips and tricks when researching your city/cities. 

  • Look across the tabs. You will need to explore to find areas that will inform you. Places to look.
  • Are the areas that are targeted or directed to: business or "doing business" or Economic Development? These areas are sections of the city's website that provide information for individuals doing business in the city or potentially looking to do business in their city.

    EXAMPLE: The City of Carlsbad has a department for Economic Development. Within this page there are sublinks for Business Resources (including the Chamber of Commerce), Doing Business In (covers data/statistics, lifestyle, etc.), and a link for talent attraction.

     Is there a section that discusses the city or plan for the city? Look for "about the city" or Strategic Vision, 

    EXAMPLES: The City of Carlsbad has an "about us", The also have a community vision which may yield insights. Within this section there is an "About Carlsbad"

City/County/Region Demograhics

Below are listed a range of sources that provide demographic information:

Tips and Tricks: Use government sources such as the Census (government site) or other official county, city, or regional source for this part of your assignment. 


United States Census (there are many surveys, reports, programs within this source that can be informative)

Fast Facts - Enter the City and view quick facts from the Census.

Geographic Profile: Here you can select, California, then place, and enter the name of your city. Select from the list to see data. 



SANDAG [San Diego Area Governments] 
Look at the Resources section of this site - NEW TOOL called Open Data Portal 

Click HERE for interactive tool for demographic information 

How to use Census Estimates and Forecasts from SANDAG (Video)

Image of charts and graphics from Sandag on use of census data

Southern California Area Governments 

Look at the Local profiles this contains Orange County and Riverside Country and Imperials County


Other Sources 

  1. Riverside County Center for Demographics
    Look across the range of tabs
  2. Orange County Regional Business Council 

Census - Business & Economy [Website]

SageData (formerly DataPlanet)

SAGEDATA (Library Database)

SageData interface with search bar


You can browse data by subject, source, geography

SageData Interface with search bar results at city