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FYBLC GEL 101 Library Module

GEL 101 Guide for students enrolled in the First Year Business Learning Cohort (FYBLC)

News Databases

Note: Limited to 23 simultaneous users. Factiva uses taxonomy (headings) known as "Dow Jones Intelligent Identifiers (DJID)" for searching. These are unique to Dow Jones Products.

Image of Business Source premier advanced search interface

Selected News Titles

Identifying Local news with Google

News sources can help inform you about your region. Note: Start with library sources for news first and then move to looking online using a search engine such as Google. 

While the library does have subscription access to many newspapers, there may be "hyper-local" online news sites and newspapers with an online presence. 

You may need to conduct a search in Google to identify and evaluate potential sources.

Google Keyword search with news box emphasised and tools box emphasised

You can used the "News filter" from a keyword search. Evaluate your source before use. 

Use the Tools space - to filter the results to within a specific time frame. 

Keywords COVID-19 for Business

SARS-CoV-2 is (the virus) that causes COVID-19 (disease). The disease was declared a pandemic in March of 2020.

Visit World Health Organization on Naming the Coronavirus for further reading.

Potential Keywords for use database searches

COVID-19, Novel Coronavirus, Coronaviruses, CARES Act, Coronavirus relief bill, pandemics, quarantine, shelter in place, social distancing, disease control

Subject Headings in Business Databases
Identify subject headings from article records as you keyword search OR use of the thesaurus (found within a database)
Combine keyword and subject headings for narrower results. 


  • Novel Coronaviruses


  • COVID-19

  • ​​​Coronaviruses

Business Source Premier:

  • COVID-19 pandemic 

  • Coronavirus aid, relief & economic Security act (U.S.)

  • COVID-19 for works on the respiratory illness caused by the novel coronavirus

  • SARS-CoV-2 for works on the virus