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Social entrepreneurs are business owners that develop a startup with the goal to make a social or environmental impact.
Available , 5th Floor - Stacks ; TX911.2 .G35 2017
4th Floor - Stacks ; HD62.5 .M37 2017
4th Floor - Stacks ; HD30.29 .K63 2016
4th Floor - Stacks ; HD30.28 .O778 2010
4th Floor - Stacks ; HD53 .B448 2014
Physical title - 52 volumes
3rd Floor - Reference HD62.7 .B865 v.52
4th Floor - Stacks HD30.28 .M3839 2016
20 years ago, a young group of social entrepreneurs joined a movement to change the world through the pursuit of an alternative economic model and practice of conscious commerce. Seeding Change: The Power of Conscious Commerce is about "triple bottom line" businesses that consider the social, environmental and financial impacts of their companies and address some of today's most challenging issues. Seeding Change is an award-winning documentary empowers viewers to be part of the solution by voting with their dollars and supporting the brands and products that align with their values.
A series of 18 videos - Maria Pacheco is the founder of Wakami, a social business that designs and exports products that are handmade by Guatemalan women to the global market, as well as providing professional training to groups of rural women. In this series, she talks about creating an environmental value chain, empowering communities, fair wages, and more.
Social business is one that uses business to solve social problems. Equity holders may gradually recoup their investments, costs, and profits without taking dividends. Bangladeshi Nobel Laureate Professor Muhammad Yunus shows how this works across the business spectrum, including multinational companies, very small enterprises, and even a circus company in Cambodia.
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(Adapted from Duke University's Economics Research Guide)
Use these databases to research social entrepreneurship topics.